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Welcome To The Temple
Start here... (17:50)
The Universe Has Your Back
A Human & A Spirit (20:32)
How To Manifest: 13 minutes in heaven! (13:18)
Meet Your Coyote! (14:33)
Integration - Gathering your forgotten parts
What is integration work and why do we need it? (25:59)
Activity: Find two opposing parts of YOU (25:50)
Transmission: Live integration of two parts of Me (31:16)
Emotions - Your Inner Compass
Identifying emotions: What they are & what do they need (28:57)
Activity: How to feel (11:10)
Somatics: Moving & Releasing emotions (26:43)
Transmission: Somatic Release 1 (42:07)
Activity: 365 Days of SelfLove (5:37)
The Body Electric
Your Embodiment Journey (8:00)
Shame, Guilt & Self Hate (8:29)
Get out of your head: Masculine & Feminine Dynamics (18:10)
Activity: Kundalini Meditation (33mins) (33:50)
Divine Polarities: The 4 Angle Cross
Introduction into the lost parts (25:23)
Dark Masculine Ignition (45:41)
Light Masculine Ignition (44:38)
Light Feminine Ignition (58:53)
Dark Feminine Ignition
🔒The Pleasure Quest LOCKED
Anatomy: The Sex Ed You Didn't Get!
The Art of Self Pleasure
Let's Talk Taboo
Find Your Sexual Style
The Wheel Of Consent
Orgasmic Breast Massage
Integration: Self Pleasure Guided - 30 minutes
Integration: Orgasmic Meditation - 30 minutes
🔒Womb Wisdom LOCKED
Cycle Mapping
Feminine Archetypes
🔒 Activating Your Medicine LOCKED
Adorning Your Queen
Design Your Daily Practice
Identifying Your Unique Power Shift
🔒 SelfLove Power Rituals
Shamanic Journeying - 30 minutes
The Trojan Horse - 5 minutes - mindfullness
Sensual Dance - 15 minutes - movement (23:55)
Full Ceremony
Sexual Healing Love Bath - 60 minutes
Ra Ma Da Sa - 20 minutes
The Mat - 15 Minutes
Self Pleasure Guided - 30 minutes
Epic Morning: Gratitude and Excitement Meditation
Orgasmic Breast Massage - 30 minutes
The Horse & The Rider - 15 minutes
A Human & A Spirit
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